Monday, April 14, 2008


Thanks alot Mandy!

Who do you love? Josh, Paxton, Caleb, Family, my dogs, Jesus

How long have you been Married? It will be 9 years in October! I cant beleive we have really made it this far! The first 7 1/2 years were heck but is much better now! Love ya babe!

How long did you date? 1.5 years propably not long enough!

Who is taller? Josh but, I am way fatter!

Who is Smarter? Josh is way more book smart but, I am more artistic and socially smart! Ha ha just kidding! Kind of!

Who does the Laundry? Me but Josh does the ironing

Who pays the bills? Well I am in charge of them but, I am not so good at it! I get in trouble sometimes!

Who mows the lawn? I mow and stuff and Josh edges

Who cooks dinner? Me 95% Josh 5%

Who drives? Josh usually drives around town but, in 2 weeks when we go to Disneyland I will be driving!

I know tag: Shannon, Jessica W, Dusti O, Nene F, Amy S


Jensen Family said...

You're so cute and I don't know what I'd Do with out you. Love the music.

Shannon said...

Thanks sweetie! Tag USED to be my favorite game!

Marie {Make and Takes} said...

I can't believe it has been 9 years for you. And the question was who is taller, not who is fatter, you nerd. Why will you be driving to D-land? Does he fall asleep for the long distance? I hate to drive, period.

Love you Ash! Fun to know more!

Jessica said...

Is the jess W. Me?

swensen squeeze said...

Thanks for the tag!